"Except for the Event deck, any other deck or token pile must be reshuffled with its discard pile when it runs out of cards/tokens and the game requires to draw from it."
На странице 22 правил есть раздел "Paying a Cost vs. Gaining Evil".
"You pay (Evil) for costs with your reputation, by moving up the Evilometer. If you are out of spaces to move up to, you cannot pay the cost. It is analogous to being out of Gold or Food Tokens."
То есть если нельзя повысить Evilometer, то нельзя и купить.
На Озоне 25-я% скидка. Продают за 1 120
"Except for the Event deck, any other deck or token pile must be reshuffled with its discard pile when it runs out of cards/tokens and the game requires to draw from it."
То есть мертвые враги должны быть замешаны.
На странице 22 правил есть раздел "Paying a Cost vs. Gaining Evil".
"You pay (Evil) for costs with your reputation, by moving up the Evilometer. If you are out of spaces to move up to, you cannot pay the cost. It is analogous to being out of Gold or Food Tokens."
То есть если нельзя повысить Evilometer, то нельзя и купить.
К нижеперечисленным добавил бы еще Субурбию