Galaxy Trucker: 1 Flight board, 8 two-sided ship boards, 60 Adventure cards (20 in each level), 64 Cosmic Credit pieces in various denominations, 144 space ship components (including 4 starting components in 4 player colors), 4 numbered tiles, 40 plastic grey astronaut figures, 8 plastic alien figures in 2 different colors, 8 plastic rocket markers in 4 player colors, 36 plastic battery tokens, 56 wooden goods blocks in 4 colors, 1 two-sided card with rules for Rounds II and III, 2 dice, 1 timer, 1 rulebook.
The Big Expansion: 7 two-sided ship boards, 6 bonus Adventure cards, 24 Evil Machination cards, 25 Rough Road cards, 5 Alien Specialization cards, 20 Cosmic Credit pieces, 12 Loan tokens, 42 space ship components (including 1 starting component in 5th player color), 1 numbered tile, 14 plastic astronaut figures, 7 plastic alien figures, 2 plastic rocket markers in 5th player color, 6 plastic battery tokens, 8 wooden goods blocks in 4 colors, 1 rulebook.
Another Big Expansion: 10 two-sided ship boards, 42 space ship components, 19 Cosmic Credit pieces, 32 Adventure cards, 5 cards for the Big Expansion, 18 support team members with cards and tokens, 1 Round IV rules tile, 1 rulebook.
Also Included: 1 Overview sheet, 1 Comic Book "Close Encounter", 5 Even-Steven cards.
Может кто объяснить, почему данное издание стоит дороже, чем база+2 дополнения отдельными коробками?
Органайзеры для владельцев этой версии Тракера и 3Д-принтеров:
Подскажите пожалуйста размер карт/протекторов.
протекторы FFG std american (зеленые), MAYDAY std usa (сиреневые) и т.д.
Добавил русские правила к Even-Steven.