Предзаказ на «Большое приключение: Башня Домианны» | |
Кооперативный тактический босс баттлер/данжен кроулер. | |
Предзаказ на новых «Спящих богов» | |
Продолжение кооперативной игры Райана Локета «Спящие боги». | |
Погоня за счастьем с Ностальгией (предзаказ) | |
Проживи жизнь своей мечты. | |
«Дюна: Война за Арракис» – предзаказ-молния | |
Hobby World запустили предзаказ на большую дуэльную «Дюну». | |
С миру по нитке [17.09.2024] | |
Россыпь новостей из мира настольных игр. В этом выпуске: Предзаказы доп... |
Kaissa according a modern myth is the muse that inspired the Greek God Mars to design the chess game.
The company Kaissa was founded in 1985 from a company of chess player as a purely chess-like shop. At an early date Kaissa extended into also other activities, pioneering for the Greek market categories of games as the games with Collection Cards, Board Game of Strategy and Imagination, the Role Playing Games and the Games with Miniature.
Today Kaissa is the leading Greek company in the distribution of these games, and at the same time it supports with a completed system of organized games that includes from events of demonstration and learning and competitions, up to Pan-Hellenic championships.